Welcome to Saturate Osaka,

a church planting strategy to reach the people of Osaka, Japan with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Join Saturate Osaka in spreading the Gospel to the people of Japan.


Why Osaka?

The Who

The nation of Japan is one of the world’s most advance nations in technology and its culture is filled with deep history and tradition. Yet, the Japanese remain the 2nd largest unreached people group in the world. 

The Why

The people of Japan seek hope and redemption through success, relationships, materialism, and religious systems such as Shintoism mixed with Buddhism. Through all this they are incapable of finding true peace and redemption which lies only in Jesus.

The Need

With suicide rates at an all time high among children and teens and a quickly growing elderly population, there is a true urgency to provide the Japanese with access, to the Gospel. Ordinary individuals are needed to bring the extraordinary message of God’s love.


Our Team

We are a group of IMB missionaries committed to building relationships, planting churches, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ among the Japanese people.  

We facilitate volunteer teams and mentor interns to help us cast the net as we seek to directly engage the Japanese people with the Gospel. We also work alongside visionary Japanese pastors and congregations to help plant new churches in Osaka. Our vision is to take the Gospel message to as many Japanese people possible, by any means possible to see Kingdom transformation in Japan.

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Our Strategy


The entire Osaka Prefecture which includes Osaka City and 42 municipalities has a total land area of 1,905 square kilometers and a population of over 8 million, accounting for 7% of Japan’s total population. High population density and efficient public transportation make Japan's urban areas fertile ground for the spread of the Gospel. Japan is open to long-term and short-term missionaries and the government actually encourages our work. Osaka is reachable, but instead of Gospel saturation, the reality is more like a drought. Most Japanese people still have not heard the story of Jesus. But everyday, we are seeing that change…


The members of our team are encouraged to join a local church and strive to be the best member of that church they can possibly be. We believe the Holy Spirit is working in these churches and any movement of God in Japan will come with Japanese leadership. The local church in Japan may be small by comparison to American churches, but they are of the same powerful body, with the same Holy Spirit guiding and directly them. We strive to support these local bodies in any way we can, trusting that the Holy Spirit’s guidance will lead these churches to plant more churches. As this happens, if we have earned their trust, we will be ready to assist and support new church planting ventures alongside Japanese leadership whenever asked.


Our task is too great to accomplish alone. We also believe the rewards are too wonderful not to share! We hope you will join us wherever you are in the world to see the Kingdom of God advanced here in Osaka. We are primarily supported through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, but we have partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ, iGo Global, The Mustard Seed Network, and many other organizations to saturate Osaka with the Gospel.


What We Believe

  • We believe the Bible to be God's inerrant and infallible Word.

  • We believe Jesus Christ is God's only provision for salvation and all people without personal faith in Him will be separated for all eternity from God.

  • We seek to provide all people an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel in their own cultural context.

  • We evangelize through proclamation, discipling, equipping & ministry resulting in reproducing churches.

  • We understand and fulfill God's mission through God's Word, prayer and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.



Ready to join Saturate Osaka with some life changing opportunities to reach the Japanese with the Gospel?