Osaka is one of Japan’s megacities. 2.7 million people live within Osaka’s communities with less than 0.5% Christian.

The Who

The nation of Japan holds a population of over 127 million and is one of the world’s most advanced nations in technology. Japan’s culture is filled with deep history and tradition. Japan is extremely popular with tourists, and yet the Japanese remain the 2nd largest unreached people group in the world. Osaka is uniquely positioned to change that. Osakans are known as being very friendly, vocal, and even sometimes a little rebellious. It’s a city that is central to Japan’s economy and therefore English is very important. The people of Osaka are likely to be open to new ideas without as much fear of cultural backlash. There are countless people here who would love to speak with you in English and hear about your culture and beliefs.

The Why

The people of Japan seek hope and redemption through success, relationships, materialism, and religious systems such as Shintoism mixed with Buddhism. Traditional values and religion fail to answer the questions modern Japanese are asking about their own existence. The majority of Japanese young people believe they have little chance for happiness in life. Only through Jesus will the Japanese be able to find true peace and redemption.

The Need

With suicide rates at an all time high among children and teens and a quickly growing elderly population, there is a true urgency to provide the Japanese with access, to the Gospel. Modern Japanese are adrift on a sea of rapid social change, and society offers little hope. The suicide rate in Japan is one of the highest in the world. Alcoholism is so prevalent that it is the norm. 4,500 people will die in Japan today and enter eternal separation from God. These figures break the heart of our loving Heavenly Father and ours, so we have been called to take the Gospel to the Japanese people. Ordinary individuals are needed to bring the extraordinary message of God’s love.
